A response to Songs of Rupture by David Green
Songs of Rupture | David Green | Anteroom, Koputai
25.07.22 | written by Iona Winter
Over four days in Pipiri June (9–12), the temple-like space of the Anteroom in Koputai Port Chalmers became a site for both rupture and contemplation. The event was anchored and animated by David Green’s Songs of Rupture—a seven-channel video mash-up of excerpts on socio-ecological emergencies projected onto large sheets of mouth-blown glass. Torqued through the uneven texture of handmade glass, the images billowed and rippled onto the walls and steeply pitched ceiling creating further distortion and abstract patterns. Curated by Ro Rushton-Green, local sound artists including: Gabriel Griffin, Dante, Ultraspikes, GRVDGGR, Bum in Face Festival, A Dream is like a Magic Cloak, The Ladder is Part of the Pit, Chris Schmelz responded in real time to warped scenes from the unfolding apocalypse and to brilliant ripples: visual, sonic, and somatic ~ felt in the body ~ created collectively.
Editor: Robyn Maree Pickens

David Green, Songs of Rupture, 2022. Installation view.
ISSN 2744-7952
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